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[Satellite TODAY 02-24-11] Korea Telecom (KT) contracted satellite telecommunications service provider SpeedCast to deliver its global maritime network services via SpeedCast’s global Ku-band network, KT announced Feb. 23.
In return for SpeedCast’s Ku-band network service, KT will provide SpeedCast with access to its own Ku-band coverage along the Korean coastline and the surrounding regiona using the Koreasat 5 satellite. The two companies also will link their teleports and satellite hubs in an effort to achieve higher operational efficiencies while delivering expanded coverage and reach for customers.
In a statement, KT Senior Vice President of Satellite Yeong Mo Kwon said the deal is part of its new long-term business model that includes expanding KT’s business areas to encompass a more diversified international market for its services. "This business alliance between the two companies will give great benefit to our international maritime customers, with the ability for them to roam globally along the major shipping lanes. This partnership with SpeedCast represents an important step forward in expanding our maritime portfolio to include a global satellite network based on Ku-band services."
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