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[Satellite TODAY 02-24-11] Optimized bandwidth aggregation solutions provider Freedom Networks launched its ExpressBits program, which aims to reduce costs for network resellers deploying private and public cloud-customer solutions, the company announced Feb. 23.
ExpressBits was designed to replace multiple WAN security- and optimization-point products and eliminate a majority of resellers’ construction, installation, configuration, testing and logistics costs. The company said the platform is optimal for firewall, load balancing, packet shaping, optimization and network availability/resiliency solutions providers.
"As a leader in optimized bandwidth aggregation, we saw the need not only for feature-function consolidation in the WAN and Cloud space, we also recognized the need to streamline the value chain for resellers. With the ExpressBits program we help our partners keep costs down," Freedom Networks CEO Lee Steinlauf said in a statement.
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