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[Satellite TODAY 05-21-10] AGI has created a CGI rendering of SES World Skies’ AMC-11 orbital maneuvers intended to prevent the satellite’s cable broadcasts from being interrupted by Intelsat’s Galaxy 15.
AGI used its STK software to propagate the satellites, simulate trajectories, perform conjunction assessment and analyze and depict radio frequency interference.
Galaxy 15 experienced an anomaly April 5 following a solar storm. The satellite remains operational, but Intelsat cannot control the spacecraft, which is drifting away from its orbital slot at 133 degrees West and east toward AMC-11, which is located at 131 degrees West. The two satellites operate on the same frequency, and Galaxy 15 could interrupt signals AMC 11 provides for the United States.
[ 05.20.2010] Video courtesy of Analytical Graphics, Inc. ( – Satellite fleet operator SES has announced that it will perform an intricate set of orbital maneuvers to steer its AMC-11 satellite and its cable television customers clear of interference from the troubled Galaxy 15 spacecraft. The maneuvers will begin taking place on May 25. |
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