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[Satellite TODAY 08-31-09] ViaSat signed a $3 million contract to provide two antenna systems to Kongsberg Satellite Services (KSAT) in Norway, ViaSat announced Aug. 28.
The planned ViaSat satellite antenna installations include one 5.4-meter X-band receive and S-band telemetry, tracking, and control antenna at KSAT’s headquarters in Tromsø; one 7.3-meter X-band imagery download system; and an S-band antenna system at the KSAT SvalSat site in Svalbard.
According to ViaSat, KSAT’s location in the very far northern and southern latitudes is ideal for downloading due to the more frequent overhead passes of polar orbiting satellites. The region’s satellite imagery customers use the images for crop management, fisheries, marine surveillance, town management and other applications.
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