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[Satellite Today 03-06-09] The Iditarod Trail Committee (ITC) have made Iridium-based tracking technology provided by IonEarth a mandated requirement for mushers participating in the 2009 Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race.
    Iridium said it was selected as the mobile satellite service provider for the Iditarod because it could guarantee service into the far northern latitudes.
    The IonEarth device developed for the Iditarod consists of a miniature GPS receiver, Iridium short-burst data modem, control electronics and lightweight, high-performance batteries especially designed for extended operation in severe temperatures.
    IonEarth is an Iridium value-added reseller. Roadpost, an Iridium service provider, is also supplying Iridium satellite phones to Iditarod staff for safety and operational purposes during the three-week, 1,000-mile race.

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