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[Satellite Today 12-16-08] Thrane & Thrane has implemented the iDirect satellite communications platform to support maritime high-speed connectivity customers, iDirect announced Dec. 16.
Thrane & Thrane’s Sailor 900 VSAT system provides a range of fixed broadband data packages, going up to 1024 kilobit per second (kbps) downlink/256 kbps uplin, and supports multiple voice channels. The system also leverages iDirect’s group quality of service technology, which enables ship operators to create bandwidth profiles that govern uplink and downlink speeds for every application onboard.
Thrane and Thrane’s VSAT service initially is available in Europe and northern Africa over Ku-band. The iDirect platform supports Thrane & Thrane’s plans to expand its VSAT network to include worldwide coverage.
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