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Satcon Receives Circuit Orders From Satellite Component Makers
Satcon Technology Corp. has received contracts valued at more than $1 million to provide electronic components to a pair of North American-based satellite subcontractors, Satcon announced.
The custom signal-processing devices, designated Class K devices for meeting the requirements for operating in space, will be used in inertial navigation and guidance control computers.
“We are extremely pleased with our continued success and penetration in the satellite market,” Jack Worthen, president, Satcon Electronics, said in a statement. “This brings our year-to-date Class K bookings total to $1.7 million. We expect Class K shipments to increase from roughly $100,000 in fiscal 2006 to over $2 million in fiscal 2007. By participating in this growing multi-million dollar market, we expect a significant portion of our revenue and future growth to be associated with space flight applications.”
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