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Gilat, Global Eagle, Telesat 1st to Demonstrate LEO In-Flight Connectivity

By Annamarie Nyirady | October 23, 2018
Gilat, Global Eagle, and Telesat engineers with the IFC over LEO test plane in Canada. Photo: Gilat

Gilat, Global Eagle, and Telesat engineers with the IFC over LEO test plane in Canada. Photo: Gilat

Gilat Satellite Networks, Global Eagle, and Telesat played a key role in the first demonstration of an in-flight aircraft communicating at broadband speeds with a Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite system. The industry milestone was achieved using Global Eagle’s Albatross Onetest aircraft with Gilat’s aero modem and Telesat‘s Phase 1 LEO satellite, launched earlier this year. The testing included a successful demonstration of seamless connectivity and switchover between Telesat’s Geostationary Orbit (GEO) and LEO satellites.