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[Satellite TODAY 07-13-10] The U.S. National Security Administration (NSA) Maryland Procurement Office has awarded ViaSat with a multi-year contract for approximately $10 million to upgrade its High Assurance Internet Protocol Encryptor Interoperability Specifications (HAIPE IS) on ViaSat’s AltaSec inline network encryptors to version four, the company announced July 12.
The contract continues the development of HAIPE toward a more mobile, interoperable standard that promotes wider use of information assurance products to secure information to the secret level. ViaSat will extend its line of encryption and cyber security products to new markets and users, expanding its presence in satellite communications, UAV/airborne, infrastructure, and edge markets.
“The new Suite B standards from NSA are going to make it easier for military and government users at all levels to secure their communications. With HAIPE version four development, we’ll open up the information assurance market to a much larger population of users by providing more affordable and interoperable encryption and cyber security products,” ViaSat Information Assurance General Manager Chris Wren said in a statement.
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