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[Satellite TODAY 02-27-12] DEV America is rolling out a new series of Core Function Products (CFP) active L-band splitters that aims to offer up to 70 percent costs savings compared to DEV’s standard devices, the company announced Feb. 24.
The DEV 2161 and DEV 2162 active L-Band splitters were designed to provide high RF transmission quality for the 500 MHz to 2300 MHz frequency range in a compact, modular 1RU chassis. The base chassis comes with one splitter unit with four output ports as featured on the DEV 2161, or eight output ports as featured on the DEV 2162 model.
“CFP models are streamlined to core features and support, offering savings for cost-sensitive applications. DEV’s standard product series is also available to meet a wide variety of other types of applications, such as those requiring additional types of features and support,” DEV America said in a company statement.
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