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[Satellite TODAY 01-06-12] United Cargo has agreed to accept new asset-tracking technology from machine-to-machine (M2M) wireless solutions provider OnAsset Intelligence, the companies confirmed Jan. 5.
United Cargo said it would use OnAsset’s Sentry 400 FlightSafe device for transport on its entire mainline jet fleet of more than 700 aircraft linking more than 370 worldwide destinations. The Sentry device aims to provide location, environmental sensing, virtual security fencing and temperature monitoring to cargo shipments transported on United’s network.
“It’s a potent combination for our customers. The Sentry 400 FlightSafe delivers peace of mind, and enhanced visibility over several of our key products,” United Cargo President Robbie Anderson said in a statement.
“Visibility to the condition of environmentally sensitive cargo as it moves through the supply chain helps companies proactively intervene in situations that may impact the quality of the cargo prior to reaching its destination,” OnAsset Intelligence President and CEO Adam Crossno added.
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