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[Satellite TODAY 05-17-11] [Satellite TODAY 05-17-11] Eutelsat Communications has announced details of a new deal with Russian satellite operator, Russian Satellite Communications Company (RSCC). The two companies will look to commercialize broadband and data network services in Russia using Eutelsat’s new Ka-Sat high throughput satellite. Eutelsat’s much talked about Ka-Sat satellite was launched late last year and will enter into full commercial service shortly. The new partnership deal was announced May 16.
has announced details of a new deal with Russian satellite operator, Russian Satellite Communications Company (RSCC). The two companies will look to commercialize broadband and data network services in Russia using Eutelsat’s new Ka-Sat high throughput satellite. Eutelsat’s much talked about Ka-Sat satellite was launched late last year and will enter into full commercial service shortly. The new partnership deal was announced May 16.
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