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[Satellite TODAY 02-21-11] Asia Broadcast Satellite (ABS) signed a deal with Spacecom to provide Ku-band capacity on the ABS-7 satellite, the satellite operator confirmed Feb. 21.
SpaceCom plans to use the capacity to support growth throughout the Middle East and Asia region for government and military users as well as to support GSM/cellular, telecom and oil and gas requirements. The addition of this Ku-band capacity also aims to allow SpaceCom to deliver new solutions as well as expand existing network requirements.
“This capacity will support our current backlog and future expansion plans that have been delayed due to the limitation of resources throughout the region. This expansion enables SpaceCom to maintain its market position and continue providing cost-effective solutions for many years to come,” Matt DeNapoli, president and CEO, SpaceCom International said in a statement.
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