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SES has introduced new SAT-IP satellite reception technology that demodulates and converts satellite signals to IP for further in-home distribution to IP devices.    
   The operator said the SAT-IP communications protocol was established as a new standard for satellite in-home distribution. IP-enabled devices such as tablets, PCs, laptops, smartphones, any connected digital TV, game consoles and media players will be able to receive satellite programming in a SAT-IP-equipped network.    
   “Our new way of connecting devices will allow millions of consumers to enjoy satellite TV on multiple screens with the highest convenience and quality. With SAT-IP, we also give an important impulse to the industry, creating an open standard that allows manufacturers to realize innovative distribution solutions,” SES Vice President of Reception Systems Thomas Wrede said in a statement.    
   The first SAT-IP based products are scheduled to be available later this year.

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