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SSPI Elects Executive Directors, Board Members
[Satellite TODAY 03-23-11] The Society of Satellite Professionals International (SSPI) appointed Arianespace President Clayton Mowry and ASC Signal President and CEO Keith Buckley to serve in their second terms as SSPI chairman and president, respectively, the nonprofit organization announced March 21.
SSPI members also voted to elect new directors to three-year terms on the SSPI board, including: MTV Networks Vice President of Technology Mike Aloisi, SES World Skies President and CEO Robert Bednarek, Fox Networks Executive Director of Satellite Engineering Paul Cohen, Thaicom President Nongluck Phinainitisart and Intelsat Vice President of Business Development Tony Rayner.
Spacenet CEO Andreas Georghiou and Willis InSpace Senior Vice President Mark Quinn were re-elected to second terms on the board.
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