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New Group, Illuminates Problems, Solutions; Poll Says Public Backs BMD

By Staff Writer | May 21, 2007

      A new think tank/lobbying group, the American Security Project (ASP), was launched last week with a goal of enlightening the public in plain terms about problems facing the nation.

      The group also released a public opinion poll by Martilla Communications Group that stated Americans place the highest premium on halting the spread and smuggling of nuclear weapons, and the next-highest priority was assigned to protecting the United States from attack by intercontinental ballistic missiles. Preventing Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon also rated highly.

      As well, the poll found that 84 percent to 90 percent of respondents in a poll see North Korea as a threat to the United States sooner or later; 90 to 91 percent see Iran as a threat to the United States sooner or later; and 82 percent believe Iran is developing nuclear weapons.

      The group opened a news conference announcing its formation with a panel of its leaders briefing the media, including Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass), the former Democratic presidential nominee, and former Sen. Gary Hart, also a Democrat and chairman of ASP.

      Group leaders said there is too much partisan bickering and too little understanding of and movement to solve problems. Retired Marine Corps Gen. Anthony Zinni and others also addressed the media. Other ASP directors on a list provided to journalists come from the former Reagan and Bush Senior administrations, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and the ranks of retired military and political figure