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OpenTV CEO Expects U.S. Interactive Market To Grow

By Staff Writer | April 15, 2004

      OpenTV [OPTV] CEO James Ackerman believes a new era of interactive television could be just around the corner in the United States, and his company could play a key role as it provides technology, content and services that power interactive television. Ackerman told Satellite Today, “Over the next few years, the largest TV market in the world will be the United States. It is probably the market that has done the least with interactive TV. Our personal belief is with the News Corp [NWS] acquisition of DirecTV, if News Corp elects to follow a BSkyB-like [BSY.L] strategy, it is possible that DirecTV will introduce interactive television in a way that the U.S. consumer has never seen before.”

      An exclusive in-depth interview with James Ackerman can be found in the April 19 issue of Satellite News. For more information about subscribing to PBI Media’s satellite newsletters, check out our Web site at