Daily News Feed | May 23, 2019
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Exclusive: SpaceX's Shotwell Talks SATELLITE 2019
SpaceX continues to be one of the most talked about companies in our industry. It is now a huge player in the launch services space…
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Viasat Contracted to Deliver 1st Link 16-Capable LEO Spacecraft
Viasat was awarded a contract by the Administrator of the Space Enterprise Consortium, under the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory Space Vehicles XVI program, to…
Imagery and Sensing
Collins Aerospace Receives Security Certification for GPS Module
Collins Aerospace Systems, a unit of United Technologies, received the Global Positioning Systems Directorate (GPS-D) security certification from the U.S. Air Force Space and Missile Systems…
Imagery and Sensing
HawkEye 360, Windward Partner on Maritime Domain Awareness
HawkEye 360 and maritime risk analytics provider Windward partnered to offer new global insights into maritime domain awareness through their combined capabilities. HawkEye 360 will contribute its…
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Memory Effect in GaN-BUCs Used in Multicarrier Applications

If you’re considering GaN-SSPAs for your multicarrier application, you should know about memory effect and how it can affect HPA performance. Find out how CPI GaN BUCs can help.
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Imagery and Sensing
HERE Technologies Renews Maxar Satellite Imagery Contract
HERE Technologies, a mapping and location platform services provider, renewed its satellite imagery contract with Maxar Technologies for the global production of HERE’s in-car navigation maps…
ICYMI: Boeing Exec: "We Live in an Incredible Time"
Boeing, a company known for bringing state of the art technology to the satellite sector, has been behind many landmark satellite deals. Via Satellite recently…

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Trending Stories
SpaceX Delays Starlink Launch a 2nd Time
Honeywell Provides JetWave Satcom System to US DoD Aircraft
DISH Network Acquires Echostar's Broadcast Satellite Service Business
Eutelsat, Maxar Selected for NASA Study

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Upcoming Events
November 4 - November 5, 2019 DC5G 2019
DC5G is where business and leadership merge with technology and strategy. Designed for C-suite and senior executives responsible for keeping…
November 6 - November 8, 2019 CyberSat Summit 2019
Produced by Via Satellite, the CyberSat Summit is a unique and powerful opportunity to better understand the most pressing threats…

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In The Magazine
7 Fresh Faces at SATELLITE 2019
Some of these speakers represent companies that are investing in space capabilities as business tools, and actively searching for innovative services such as data collection, global communications, pure
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