Satellite Today Daily News Feed

Microsoft Looks to Close Rural Broadband Gap in the US

Microsoft wants close the United States’ broadband gap by 2022, and intends to leverage unused TV spectrum as a core part of its strategy to bring internet to rural neighborhoods…
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Luxembourg Offers Legal Framework for Use of Space Resources

The Luxembourg Parliament adopted a draft law on the exploration and use of space resources. The country is thus the first in Europe to offer a legal framework ensuring that…
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Aireon Develops ADS-B Operations in Saudi Arabia

Aireon announced it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Saudi Air Navigation Services (SANS), Saudi Arabia's Air Navigation Service Provider (ANSP). SANS is managing one of the largest…
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Kratos Delivers Radio Monitoring System for Oman

Kratos Defense & Security Solutions announced that The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) of the Sultanate of Oman has formally accepted Kratos’ Advanced Space Radio Monitoring System (ASRMS). The multi-million-dollar project…
Berbere TV to Broadcast from Arabsat’s Badr 5 Satellite

Arabsat has announced that Berbere TV, a North African commercial broadcaster, has made an arrangement to broadcast from Arabsat’s Badr 5 satellite.  The Badr 5 Maghreb Bouquet will broadcast Berbere TV…
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