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Inmarsat Pursues Global Demand for In-Flight Connectivity

To capitalize on the swell of demand for In-Flight Connectivity (IFC), Inmarsat is tackling aviation on two fronts simultaneously by introducing services for both passengers and the cockpit. According to…
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Intelsat, Gilat Offer 3G Services to Ultra-Remote Locations

Intelsat and Gilat Satellite Networks announced a joint managed services solution to provide 3G infrastructure in the most remote locations around the globe, where terrestrial services are not feasible…
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ULA Wins $191 Million Air Force Contract for STP-3 Mission

The U.S. Air Force announced it has awarded United Launch Alliance (ULA) a contract to launch the Space Test Program-3 (STP-3) mission. This contract resulted from a competitive award under…
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ABS Provides Capacity for 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup Broadcast

Asia Broadcast Satellite (ABS) has signed an agreement with Prime Telecom of Brazil for Occasional Use (OU) capacity on the ABS 3A satellite for the 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup games…
Rezatec to Streamline Farming Efficiency with EO Data

Rezatec, in conjunction with the University of Reading, is delivering its monitoring and prediction of pasture quality and productivity from satellites (PASQUAL) project to develop an Earth Observation (EO) satellite-based…
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