Daily News Feed | August 8, 2018
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Spaceflight President Open to Future Rideshare Rockets Beyond SpaceX
With thousands of new small satellites waiting in line to be launched into orbit, Spaceflight President Curt Blake hopes his rideshare operation can push more…
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SpaceX Delivers Indonesian Telecom Satellite to Orbit
SpaceX has successfully launched a satellite for one of Asia’s biggest telcos. The company confirmed early this morning that its Falcon 9 had successfully lifted…
Lockheed Martin Ships Fourth AEHF Satellite
Lockheed Martin has shipped the fourth Advanced Extremely High Frequency (AEHF) military communications satellite to Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida, where it will be…
Inmarsat Report Highlights Growing Influence of Aviation Wi-Fi
Inmarsat, which is heavily targeting the aviation market, has released a major new market study on the IFC market looking at customer dynamics and future…
Newtec Confirms Milano Teleport Collaboration
Newtec’s Dialog multiservice platform is being used by global telecommunications provider Milano Teleport to boost its services for the maritime market, Newtec confirmed yesterday. Targeting namely yachts (via the “Orbis Yacht” brand) and cruise…
Aerojet Rocketdyne Aces Air Force Hot-Fire Tests
Aerojet Rocketdyne’s advanced tactical booster program has completed two successful hot-fire tests of a motor that had been conditioned to mimic extreme cold- and hot-soak…

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Join us on October 9, 2018 in Mountain View, CA during Satellite Innovation 2018 for the SSPI Promise & Mentor Awards, the top industry event for celebrating the future stars of our industry! Get tickets today at www.satfuture.com.

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Analysts on How Eutelsat Will Rewrite its Growth Story in FY19
Cygnus Spacecraft from Northrop Grumman Returns from ISS
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Dish Network Pay-TV Subscriber Base Drops Below 13 Million

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October 3 - October 4, 2018 OilComm and FleetComm Conference & Exposition
OilComm and FleetComm is where the major players in energy, maritime, and transportation communities come together to learn about the…
November 12 - November 13, 2018 DC5G
DC5G is the one event that represents the entire 5G-connected ecosystem. Enterprise markets, local municipalities, telcos, satellite service providers, device…

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Venture Capitalist Trends for Newspace Companies
The concept of space as an investment sector appealing to venture capitalists is only a few years old, but we've seen a substantial change across the funding landscape in a short amount of time. As early uncertainty gave way to confident excitement followed by today’s tempered optimism, both VCs and the companies looking to benefit…
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