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In the Jan. 19 issue of SATELLITE NEWS, the story “Global Satellite Industry Climbs Back to Health” incorrectly paraphrased International Launch Services Director of Marketing Sales Tom Carroll at the recent Pacific Telecommunications Council (PTC) conference in Honolulu, Hawaii. The article should have stated: “Carroll said that in 2004, ILS projects that the number of launch service contracts awarded will be similar to 2003. By the end of 2004, there should be between 15 to 20 new contracts for launch services worldwide. He also said that ILS will fly out the Atlas 2AS and Atlas 3 launch vehicles for commercial launches this year and will move to the Atlas 5 and the Proton/Breeze M as its core commercial launch vehicles. He added that ILS has decided that no Proton rockets with Block DM upper stages would be used for commercial launches.”
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