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Northrop Grumman Low Cost Terminals Near Certification, Fielding to Follow

Northrop Grumman and industry partners Lockheed Martin and Telecommunications Systems (TCS) are awaiting U.S. National… READ MORE » Facebook Twitter More...

Es’hailSat Taps SES for New Teleport Project

Qatari satellite company Es’hailSat has entered a partnership with SES subsidiary SES TechCom for assistance building… READ MORE » Facebook Twitter More...

Via Satellite wants your contributions! Tech Corner is a column written by engineers, for engineers. It is comprised of article submissions from experts in the satellite industry. Learn more and submit your articles here!

Inmarsat Takes New Approach to Coastal Fishing Market in China

Beijing Marine communication and Navigation Co. (MCN Beijing), Inmarsat’s largest distribution partner in China has created and… READ MORE » Facebook Twitter More...

Harris Receives Potential $770 Million Mapping Contracts from US Government

The U.S. National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency has awarded a potential $770 million in indefinite delivery/requirements contracts for up to five years…
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The September issue of Via Satellite magazine is here! This month, we examine the 50 years of Intelsat, explore the world of reporting live news via satellite, and we bring you our latest interactive feature! We encourage you to experience one of our stories in a brand new way. Ultra-HD: Coming to a Screen Near You - As consumers are looking for even higher quality video, the Ultra-HD industry is in a frenzy to provide it. Read the September issue now!

MDA to Build Ground Station in China

MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates (MDA) is providing a ground station in China to expand the availability of Radarsat 2 data. EarthView Image subsidiary EarthSTAR has signed a contract worth more than $10… READ MORE » Facebook Twitter More...

Comtech Xicom Receives $1.5 Million High-Power TWTA Contract

Comtech Xicom Technology, a subsidiary of Comtech Telecommunications, has received an award for $1.5 million to supply high-power millimeter-wave Traveling Wave Tube Amplifiers (TWTAs) from a U.S. government customer. The Comtech Xicom… READ MORE » Facebook Twitter More...


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