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Telesat CEO Questions Role of North American and European Export Credit Agencies

CEOs from the “Big Four” Fixed Satellite Services (FSS) operators engaged in a lively debate about the future of the satellite industry in a panel that also…
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Arianespace Locks in Five New Launch Contracts

Arianespace has secured contracts for five Ariane 5 launches in 2016 and 2017. The launch provider received contracts from Intelsat to launch Intelsat…
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Attend the Satellite Earth Station Maintenance and Repair Webcast on Sept 18th.
Satellite communication systems have been used to provide fixed point and mobile services to commercial and military markets. There is unprecedented development in the provision of new high throughput satellite broadband solutions which deliver internet, voice and video. This webcast will focus on ground station test solutions that are rugged, portable, battery operated and accurate which can measure uplink power level, frequency accuracy, downlink interference, up/down converter performance, group delay and transmission line fault location for coaxial and waveguide feeds. Register Now

Lockheed Martin Unveils Reprogrammable A2100 Satellite Bus With Dual Launch Capability

Lockheed Martin has announced two new upgrades to the A2100 satellite bus, which the company has been aggressively renovating to play a more prominent…
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Mitsubishi Electric to Manufacture Es’hailSat's Next Satellite

Qatar based Es’hailSat has awarded a contract to Mitsubishi Electric for the manufacture of its second satellite: Es’hail 2. The project, which began in July…
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VSAT 2014 is back in London on the 17th-19th September and is the only event to focus solely on the global VSAT Market. VSAT 2014 addresses the fundamental issues, challenges and opportunities the whole VSAT industry in currently facing, with high calibre networking opportunities, key note speeches, interactive panel discussions and debates. This is the premier VSAT event to attend in 2014. Find out more.

SES GS, AIS Engineering Ink Capacity Deal with US Army

The United States Defense Information Services Agency (DISA) has awarded a contract to SES Government Solutions to provide capacity for the Army Warfighter Information Network-Tactical (WIN-T). Under the five year agreement, SES GS will operate as a sub-contractor to AIS Engineering. AIS and SES GS’ combined solution will use SES satellites exclusively…
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ViaSat and Data Link Solutions Win $54 Million Military Contract

The United States Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR) has awarded a $54 million contract to ViaSat and Data Link Solutions to jointly develop and qualify new Tactical Targeting Network Technology (TTNT) capabilities. The award supports a U.S. government program aimed at transitioning from the Multifunctional Information Distribution System (MIDS) Low…
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SSL to Build Bulgarian Satellite, SpaceX to Launch

SSL has been selected by Bulgaria Sat, a joint stock company established by the owners of Bulsatcom, to build the company’s first satellite: BulgariaSat 1. Slated for launch in 2016 aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket, the satellite will provide Direct-To-Home (DTH) TV services in the Balkan region. BulgariaSat 1 is based…
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Eutelsat Preps End-to-End HbbTV 2.0 Demonstration over Satellite

Eutelsat, in partnership with MStar Semiconductor, Aston and Quadrille Ingénierie, are working together to validate push Video-On-Demand (VOD) using the Hybrid Broadcast Broadband TV (HbbTV) 2.0 standard. VOD enables viewers to save content to a Set-Top-Box (STB) to watch at a later date. According to Eutelsat, the newest STBs can store up…
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