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GeoMetWatch Musing Fewer Hosted Payloads, More Satellites

Commercial weather company GeoMetWatch is reevaluating its original plan to orbit six geo-hyperspectral sounders as hosted payloads…
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Argentine Space Agency Conducts Experimental Launch Vehicle Test

The National Commission on Space Activities (CONAE), Argentina’s space agency, has completed the second experimental flight of the Tronador 2…
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Attend the Satellite Earth Station Maintenance and Repair Webcast on Sept 18th.
Satellite communication systems have been used to provide fixed point and mobile services to commercial and military markets. There is unprecedented development in the provision of new high throughput satellite broadband solutions which deliver internet, voice and video. This webcast will focus on ground station test solutions that are rugged, portable, battery operated and accurate which can measure uplink power level, frequency accuracy, downlink interference, up/down converter performance, group delay and transmission line fault location for coaxial and waveguide feeds. Register Now

C-Com Satellite Antennas Deployed in Response to Hiroshima Landslide

C-Com Satellite Systems reports its customer Japan Satellite Communications (JSC) has deployed iNetVu mobile antennas in response to landslides in…
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NASA Tests Lightweight Composite Cryotank from Boeing

NASA has completed an extensive set of tests on a new large 5.5-meter diameter composite cryogenic fuel tank. Built by Boeing, the lightweight tank is…
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The September issue of Via Satellite magazine is here! This month, we examine the 50 years of Intelsat, explore the world of reporting live news via satellite, and we bring you our latest interactive feature! We encourage you to experience one of our stories in a brand new way. Ultra-HD: Coming to a Screen Near You - As consumers are looking for even higher quality video, the Ultra-HD industry is in a frenzy to provide it. Read the september issue now!

LightSquared Pays $9.1 Million to Inmarsat

Inmarsat has received a $9.1 million dollar Phase 2 quarterly payment from LightSquared within the 60 day contractual cure period. LightSquared’s July 2, 2014 notice of default was issued by Inmarsat following a missed payment. As of July 1, LightSquared owed a quarterly Phase 2 payment of approximately $4.1 million…
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Bentley Walker to Extend Coverage to Iraq Using Hylas 2 HTS Satellite

VSAT service provider Bentley Walker has expanded its coverage to include Iraq. The company has installed a Newtec IP Broadband Hub at Avanti’s Makarios Teleport gateway, located in Cyprus, to begin providing service throughout the country. Last year Bentley Walker used thousands of Newtec… READ MORE » Facebook Twitter More...


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