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Gogo Hangs Hopes on More STCs to Increase 2Ku Installs

Gogo is hoping to pick up installs for its satellite-based 2Ku In-Flight Connectivity (IFC) solution 10-fold by the end of the year. While 2Ku is now flying…
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SSC and Millennium Space Systems Partner on First Altair Launch

The Swedish Space Corporation (SSC) and Millennium Space Systems are teaming together on the first-ever Altair launch to provide customization and rapid constellation production for Millennium’s customers.…
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NanoRacks to Launch SpaceVR’s First Virtual Reality Camera Satellite

SpaceVR, a platform for creating cinematic, live, virtual space tourism, has signed a launch agreement with NanoRacks to send Overview 1, a virtual reality camera satellite…
SpeedCast, DHI to Provide Broadband Connectivity to 50-vessel Fleet Globally

SpeedCast International has partnered with DH-Intercom (DHI), a subsidiary of Eutelsat Communications based in Germany to provide communications and IT services to the maritime industry…
FTA Satellite Channels Continue to Grow in the MENA Region

The number of Free-to-Air (FTA) satellite channels targeting the Arab region continues to grow, according to Arab Advisors Group’s latest report "Satellite TV in the Arab World…
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