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Satellite Today Daily News Feed

These 3 Nations are Aiming Higher in the International Space Race

Japan and Canada are making significant changes to how their national space agencies operate, while Australia is examining whether there is a need for national space agency at all…
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SES, Luxembourg Government Extend Satmed Contract

SES and the Luxembourg Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs announced that they have extended a contract to maintain and support Satmed, an e-health satellite platform, until 2020. Under the…
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CPI Consolidates Satcom, Medical, and Communications Divisions

Communications & Power Industries (CPI) recently combined the operations of its communications and medical products division and satcom division, which share the company's Georgetown, Ontario, Canada facilities.  The newly consolidated division, operating…
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Advantech Wireless Receives New Orders for SSPAs, BUCs

Advantech Wireless announced it has received follow up orders from military customers for its X-Band line of Gallium Nitride (GaN) technology-based Solid State Power Amplifiers (SSPAs) and Block Up Converters…
NASA Invests in 22 Exploration Concepts

NASA is investing in 22 early-stage technology proposals that have the potential to transform future human and robotic exploration missions, introduce new exploration capabilities, and significantly improve current approaches to…
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