Media Kit
Show Daily - Day 1
In This Issue
LEO Constellation Prospects Dominate Opening Panel at SATELLITE 2018
SATELLITE 2018 kicked off with a lively panel “SATELLITE 2018: Challenges and Opportunities for an Industry in Transition” where a number of industry figures talked…
Execution Key for Longevity of Smallsats in the Space Economy
Although the space industry has begun to take small satellites more seriously, a panel of experts at the SATELLITE 2018 Conference & Exhibition agreed that…
The Trials and Tribulations of HTS Finance
The satellite industry is going through unprecedented times and this is being reflected in the risks that the investment community are prepared to take on…
2017 Satellite Executive of the Year: Gwynne Shotwell, President and COO, SpaceX
While Musk takes a lot of credit for his vision, in Shotwell he found the perfect executive to run SpaceX like a finely oiled machine.…
#SatShow Insights - Day 1
Quick highlights from Day 1 at the SATELLITE 2018 Conference & Exhibition...
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