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Satellite TV Manufacturers and Distributors Seek Reduction in License Fees

By Rebecca Lincks | December 28, 2012

[Satellite TODAY 12-28-12] Leading local satellite-TV-system manufacturers and distributors have requested a reduction of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunication Commission’s (NBTC) license fee, stating that they are also a key part of supporting and carrying quality content to viewers, the companies announced Dec. 28.

According to Infosat Managing Director and Satellite Dish Club President Niran Tangpiroontham, the reduction should be granted for network providers such as equipment manufacturers and distributors because their business is part of the supply chain of the broadcasting industry.
"I personally suggest that a network provider with its own TV channel should get a 15-per-cent discount on the normal annual license fee if it is committed to delivering informative and education-oriented programs in more than 50 per cent of its time slots," PSI Holding Managing Director Napasak Kotwiboon added in a statement.
The draft regulation on license fee reduction and exemption would allow public-service digital terrestrial TV broadcasters to cut their fee in half if they are able to utilize more than 50 per cent of their airtime for news, information and edutainment programs, and have the community-based services fee waived as well.