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StarHub Implements SmartJog for Delivery of Digital U.S. Broadcasts

By Staff Writer | December 4, 2008

[Satellite Today 12-04-08] StarHub, a pay-TV operator in Singapore, is using digital delivery service SmartJog for its file-based workflow to receive content for its newly launched cable video-on-demand platform, StarHub announced Dec. 4.
    The system allows the broadcaster to digitally receive U.S. studio content and distribute files into a local editing system to be made available for download by consumers as early as 24 hours after the initial U.S. broadcast. With live tracking of every transfer on SmartJog’s management interface, StarHub also will have access to traffic reports at all times, followed by automated delivery e-mail notifications.
    Video-on-demand “deliveries have been a natural extension of our services across Asia, and further displays a need for efficient file-based delivery solutions for [video-on-demand] platforms within this part of the world,” Joe DiBianca, vice president of SmartJog, said in a statement.